Eximious Knowlege About Camel

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Camel is a long herbivore animal used to carry luggage of any kind. It has four legs and long neck. It has anticle on his back. Its height varies according to the type. It is found in abundance in Arabia. Arabian people love to. Arabians are very fond of  Camel husbandry. Camel can survive for many days without eating and drinking, probably camel can survive for ten days without drinking water. People are very curious to know how it can survive without drinking water. It is emergence in research that there are special cells exist in camel's stomach which produce water in the time of indeed. When camel is unable to drink water from external source automatically cells are become activate, these cells release Hydrogen and oxygen and you know that the chemical formula of water is H2O. When hydrogen and Oxygen mutually reacts then water making process started. Another significant feature of camel is that it eats all those thistles which other animal can't eat. Due to its long neck it can bear heavy load.


There are different types of camel, first i tell you according to its function  or affiliation.

Camel are categorized according to their body structure, their affiliation with a great personality or a tribe. Some tribes are very famous for camel farming. Therefore their camel's identified as their owner name.

We categorize the camel on the basis of  following features.

1) Affiliation with a country

2) Affiliation with a famous tribe

3) Affiliation with a Notorious personality

4) According to Mood

5) According to work

6) According to shape of body

7) According to weight

8) According to Anticle

9) According to speed

Abearing of Camel

·       Camel intercourse just once in a year but its mating time sustainable (take long time). In this period it ejaculate over and over again. This is why when it completes the intercourse process it become weak and lazy.

·       The dromedary becomes pregnant in three years.

·       According to veterinarians is a patience and restraint animal.

·       According to experts camel does not intercourse with its mother.

·       Camel eats thorn bushes with great pleasure and it can digest it easy but digest oat hardly.

Medical Properties

There are some medical properties of camel

1) In case of bleeding take hair of camel burned it and leap on the wound it will stop the bleeding.

2) Camel meat increase the man power, its meat energize the man after intercourse.

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